

  • The Details card displays the current address information.
  • You can start a Watch list, edit the Address, and expand/collapse address Details.
  • The Customer serial number appears on the top of the card, and you can use it to search by serial number.


You use this card to enter additional contact information such as site type, phone numbers and extensions, scripts (defined call communication), Contact Schedules, email address, and web information.

On Test Status

There are two On Test options, Simple and Advanced. The Simple On Test mode allows you to enter a Reason for the test and to designate a duration in Hours and Minutes. The Advanced On Test mode allows you to set day and time durations, and to select specific system components for the test.

Note: Once a Customer has been put On Test, the Current On Test section of the Customer

card displays the day and time information for the On Test, as well as the Reason. For the definition of Advanced On Test fields, see [Advanced On Test] Fields.

Customer Status

The Customer Status provides the condition for the following:

Note: You can select from and act upon these Account Statuses by clicking the related item.

  • Alarm (OK, In Alarm) – The color that relates to an alarm status can be customized and is defined through the Manitou Supervisor Workstation.
  • Monitoring (Active/Inactive/Deactivated) – A green vertical bar indicates the system is active, yellow is inactive, and red is deactivated.
  • Maintenance (Resolved/Unresolved) – A green vertical bar indicates no maintenance issues, red indicates there are one or more unresolved maintenance issues.
  • Service (Full Service, Partially On Test, Whole System On Test) – A green vertical bar indicates Full Service, and nothing is On Test, yellow indicates the system is partially On Test, but not the entire system, and red indicates the whole system is On Test.
  • Area (Open, Closed, Unknown) – A yellow vertical bar indicates the system is open and disarmed, blue indicates the system is closed and armed, and red indicates an unknown system status (the system has not received an open or closing event to identify current status and is therefore unknown).

System Status

You identify each system on the account by name (for example, System 1).

Note: You can select from and act upon these Account Statuses by clicking the related item.

TX – Displays the transmitter status.

  • Green – The Area is good.
  • Blue – The Area is closed.
  • Yellow – The Area is open.
  • Red – A warning or issue.

Area – Displays the Area status.

  • Yellow – The system is open and disarmed.
  • Blue – The system is closed and armed.
  • Red – The system has not received an open or closing event to identify current status and is therefore “unknown.”

Customer Activity Log

The Activity Log lists all actions taken on the Customer record. This includes:

  • Signals/Alarms
  • Views/Edits/Saves
  • Password Validation
  • Comments Addition
  • Alarms and Processing

When viewing the Customer Activity Log, the most recent activity is always located at the top of the record, in chronological order. To see the details of a particular activity, simply double-click the activity.

Adding Comments

When you first open a customer account, note the “selected comment” icon  to the left of the first activity log listed on the Customer Activity Log card – this is the icon’s default location upon opening a customer account. However, using your pointing device, you can click any activity log and the comment icon will move to the activity log you selected allowing you to add a related comment just below the selected activity log.

To add a comment for an activity log, do the following:

  1. Select the activity log for which you want to add the comment. Notice that the selected comment icon moves to the selected activity log.
  2. Click Comment. The Add Customer Log Comment card appears.
  3. Select the Add to Selected Event button so the comment appears below the selected activity log.
  4. Type a Summary.
  5. Type a Comment.

Note: If you want the comment to be a “system comment” and only viewable during an audit, select Hidden.

  1. Click Done. The comment is displayed below the selected activity log.