Adding a Sector

Sectors function much like zones.  Zones relate to specific equipment in place.  Sectors may group multiple zones simplifying the grouping of zones.  

Adding a Sector to a Plan Layer


  1. With the layer selected, expand the Sector section and select the sector to add.
  2. Click and Drag the sector to the location the icon should sit on the Plan.  
  3. Release the sector on to the plan.  
  4. Draw the boundaries of the sector.
  5. To make changes, right click the sector and choose change Icon.
  6. Select the Icon and any available color.  
  7. Click Done.
  8. Repeat as required.
  9. Save (💾) the Record.

Editing a Sector

  1. Right-click the Sector and select the desired option.  Edit - Allows the movement of the sector on the plan. 
    • Re-Draw - Resets the boundaries and re-starts the drawing of the boundary.  
    • Change Style - Allows the adjustment of the color and icon applied to the zone.  
    • Change Label - Allows updating the description of the zone, which populates from the Zone list for the System, Area, and Zone selected.
    • Remove - Deletes the zone from the plan and may be used in another location. 
  2. Save (💾) the Record.