The Alarm Queue displays live alarms that Manitou receives. The Alarm Queue is read-only in SWS. Users cannot process the alarms displayed.
Accessing the Alarm Queue Screen
To access the Alarm Queue Screen:
Navigate to the View menu and then select "Alarm Queue".
Result: The Alarm Screen displays as shown in the following screenshot:
Note: Not all SWS Alarm Queue columns are displayed in the screenshot above.
Note: An alarm's color represents its priority and status. The color code is displayed in the screenshot above. An SWS Administrator can change the color code by selecting the Tools menu, and then clicking "Options".
Each time an alarm is received, it displays in the Alarm Queue.
The Alarm Queue displays the following information:
- Alarm Priority Level - Manitou rates alarm severity by assigning numbers 1 through 10+ (with 1 being of highest priority and 10+ being the lowest).
- Code - The Code field displays a two-letter Event Code that is translated into an Event when Manitou receives an alarm signal.
- Event - The Event is the activity that caused an alarm signal. Manitou translates the Event Code it receives and displays the Event in the Alarm Queue.
- Area - An area is a larger location, system, or object than a Zone. For example, the third floor of an office building might be Area 3. Area 3 might contain multiple zones, each having its own detection devices. The user defines the Area numbers in the Manitou OWS when he sets up a new customer. Typically, a residence only has one Area.
- Zone - A zone is a geographic area, system, or object that has some sort of detection device in it. Each Area is divided into separate Zones. The user determines the Zone numbers in the Manitou OWS when he sets up a new customer. For a residence, a Zone might correlate to a specific room in a house, such as the master bedroom.
- User - This field displays the initials of the user handling the alarm.
- Availability - An alarm being handled by a user will appear as "Unavailable". Alarms not yet being handled display as "Available".
- Status - The Status refers to the level of handling that has taken place on an alarm. For example, if a user has completed some of the Action Pattern items for an alarm, but left it open, the Status displays as "Actioned".
- Suspend Time - A user might choose to suspend an alarm after completing Action Pattern items and dispatching an Authority. This field shows how much time has passed since the suspension began.
- RLP (Receiver Line Prefix) - This field displays the prefix for the device that received the alarm signal.
- TXID (Transmitter ID) - This field displays the ID code for the Transmitter that sent the alarm signal.
- P/F/M (Police/Fire/Medical) - If the user has dispatched an Authority for the alarm, the P/F/M field displays as "Yes."
- Point ID - The Point ID identifies the specific place from which the alarm originated. For example, if the alarm on the back door of a house is triggered, the Point ID field displays "back door".
The Alarm Queue Filter allows a user to filter the Alarm Queue using the parameters you set.
To reach the Alarm Queue Filter:
Select the filter tab at the bottom left corner of the Alarm Queue screen.
Result: The Alarm Queue Filter screen displays as shown in the following screenshot:
Users can narrow the types of alarms that display in the Alarm Queue by using the following filters:
- Postal Code: This field allows a user to enter a specific Postal Code where the alarm they want occurred.
- Customer ID: This field allows a user to enter a specific Customer ID associated with the alarm they want.
- Priority: This field allows a user to select only alarms of a specific Priority. A user can also set one of the "Less Than", "Equal To", or "Greater Than" options to further narrow the filter parameters.
- Alarm Age: This field allows a user to select only alarms of a specific duration. A user can also set one of the "Less Than" or "Greater Than" options to further narrow the filter parameters.
- Contacted Authority: This checkbox allows a user to select only alarms in which the user contacted an Authority.
- More Activity: This checkbox allows a user to select only alarms for which the user completed action plan items in addition to contacting an Authority.
- Event Category: This area allows a user to select single or multiple Event Categories tied to an alarm signal.
- Event Definition: This area allows a user to select single or multiple Event Codes tied to an alarm signal.
- Alarm Type: This area allows a user to select between one of three Alarm Status Types.
- Dealer: This field allows a user to select only the alarms associated with a specific Dealer.
- Branch: This field allows a user to select only the alarms associated with a specific Branch.
- Police: This field allows a user to search only for alarms in which a specific Police Authority was contacted.
- Current Filter: This area displays all the Alarm Queue filters that are already active.
Once you have entered all your search criteria, click "Select".
Result: The system returns you to the Alarm Queue screen and the "Filter On" button now displays green as shown in the following screenshot:
To remove any active filters, click either the "Remove Filter" button on the Alarm Queue screen or the "Reset" button on the Alarm Queue Filter screen.