SWS - Forms in the Tools Menu - Voice Recordings

The Voice Recordings function in the Manitou SWS records telephone conversations between a Monitoring Company and its contacts. The user can then play them back at a later time.

To access the Voice Recordings function, users must have the SecurVoice application installed and correctly configured on their system.

Adding the SecurVoice Device

Perform the following steps to install and configure SecurVoice in SWS:

Navigate to the Maintenance menu, click "Setup" and then "Service Provider Devices".

Click "Edit" and then click "Add".

Result: The "Add Service Provider Device" window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

 A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Enter "SecurVoice" into the "External Device:" field.

Select "Voice Recorder" from the "Protocol:" dropdown menu and click "OK".

Click "Save".

Next, the user must set up SecurVoice as the current Voice Recorder.

Select System Options.

Under Voice Recordings, select SecurVoice as the Voice Recorder System. 

Select Workstations in the Supervisor Workstation. In the Recorder ID/Channel column, select the appropriate channel name. These channels must first be set up using the SecurVoice software: 

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

A lack of a license will prevent the user from selecting the appropriate channel name.

Note: Currently, live monitoring is not available.

In the Supervisor Workstation, select the Tools menu. From here, select Voice Recordings.

Enter any search parameters and click the Refresh button.          

  • Channel - Which channel to search for clips? Leaving the Channel field blank will result in all channels.
  • From and To - The date and time range for the clips.
  • Allow time overlap - If a clip's beginning or ending time falls inside the date and time range, it will be included. Otherwise, the clip's beginning and ending time must fall completely within the date and time range.

Result: The search criteria will be displayed below: 

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Users may listen or save a clip. To listen to a clip, select a clip from the grid, and either click "Listen to Selected Recording," or right-click the row in the grid and select "Listen to Selected Recording":

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

To save a copy of the clip, select the desired clip and click "Save Selected Recording," or right-click and select "Save Selected Recording".

Please note that the lack of proper permissions will prevent the user from performing these actions.