SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Resolution Codes

Resolution Codes are user-created codes that are customized for particular alarm situations. For example, an alarm may be received that has been set off as a result of a thunderstorm. The Operator may wish to resolve the alarm by entering "WE" for "Weather," where "WE" has been previously defined in the Resolution Codes section of Supervisor Workstation as a false alarm.

Adding a New Resolution Code to Manitou

Perform the following steps to add a resolution code:

  1. Click Maintenance then "Resolution Codes".

Result: The Resolution Codes screen displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Click "Edit" then "Add".

Result: The "Add Resolution Code" screen displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A computer screen shot of a computer codeDescription automatically generated

  1. Enter the Group Number for which the Resolution Code should be displayed in the "Group No." field.
  2. Enter a unique two-letter Resolution Code into the Resolution Code field.

Note: The text you enter into this field displays as the first part of the Resolution Code name in the list.

  1. Enter a description of the Resolution Code into the Description field.

Note: The text you enter into this field displays as the second part of the Resolution Code name in the list.

  1. If the Resolution Code is for a false alarm, check the "False Alarm" checkbox, and click "OK".

Result: the "Add Resolution Code" window closes and your new Resolution Code displays as the currently selected item.

  1. Click "Save".