The Activity Reports section contains the reports that apply to various types of activity within the system.
Available reports are:
- Agency Response - Activity details of alarms when an agency (Guarding, UL Runner, and the like) responds and how long it took for them to respond.
- Authority Call History - Details the calls made to the selected authority(ies).
- Authority Response - When tracked, this report details the response times from the dispatch. This is properly tracked when the authority calls back into the monitoring center and tracked as a call-in.
- Customer Activity - Reports on the activity for the customer, or customers, selected.
- Daily Signals - Lists the events selected, for the date(s) selected. This is commonly used to generate a listing of accounts that have failed to communicate within a specific time period.
- Handled Signals by Operator - Lists the events processed by alarm handling operators.
- Alarm Cause Summary - Groups the alarm events for the time frame selected by the customer resolution code.
- Alarm Detail - Provides the alarm and call history of the alarms within the customer and time frame selected. This also includes a grid listing of what calls were made by whom and if the operators received and noted call-in or cleared.
- Alarm Detail by Alarm Number - The Alarm Number is a combination of the serial number of the account and the index number of the alarm. This report produces a full accounting of the activity and call history of the alarm. This also includes a grid listing of what calls were made by whom and if the operators received and noted call-in or cleared.
- Alarm Grading - Reports on events that were graded for threat levels.
- Alarm Resolution - Lists events and the resolution code selected when closed. It also notes if the alarm was dispatched.
- Alarm Response - Lists the speed of response on alarms. This is often run for Operator statistics and ensuring the organization is meeting expected standards. The Summary contains the Genuine Alarms, False with No Dispatch, and False with Dispatch.
- Last Signal Date - Lists accounts that have NOT signaled into Manitou since the date listed.
- On Test Zone Status - Lists the accounts that are currently On Test.
- Signal Count by Customer - Counts all the events by the Customer. The summary shows the totals.
- UL Response - Displays the UL response times for production for a UL Inspector.
- Unrestored Signals - Displays all accounts with signals that haven't received their expected restore.
- User History - Returns the Log On and Log Off times for the selected person(s).
Please note that based on your standard or PSIM license setting your reports may read Alarm or Incident.