The Configuration screen displays the configuration for various Manitou-related servers and applications.
Manitou Configuration will be defined on your system before installation, but users may find it necessary to modify it themselves at a later time.
Adding a Server to Manitou
Perform the following steps to add a server to Manitou:
- Navigate to the Maintenance menu, click "Setup" then click "Configuration".
Result: The "Configuration" form displays as shown in the following screenshot:
- Click "Edit".
- Select the server icon in the Navigation Window and click "Add".
Result: The "Add Server" window displays as shown in the following screenshot:
- Enter the server name into the "Machine Name:" field.
- Enter the IP addresses into the appropriate fields.
Note: If you do not already have it, obtain this information from the Central Station's IT personnel.
- If your new server needs to be linked to an existing device, select it from the "Existing Device:" dropdown menu, and click "OK".
Result: Your new server now displays in the list.