SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Configuration

The Configuration screen displays the configuration for various Manitou-related servers and applications.

Manitou Configuration will be defined on your system before installation, but users may find it necessary to modify it themselves at a later time.

Adding a Server to Manitou

Perform the following steps to add a server to Manitou:

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu, click "Setup" then click "Configuration".

Result: The "Configuration" form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computer programDescription automatically generated

  1. Click "Edit".
  2. Select the server icon in the Navigation Window and click "Add".

Result: The "Add Server" window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A computer screen shot of a computer screenDescription automatically generated

  1. Enter the server name into the "Machine Name:" field.
  2. Enter the IP addresses into the appropriate fields.

Note: If you do not already have it, obtain this information from the Central Station's IT personnel.

  1. If your new server needs to be linked to an existing device, select it from the "Existing Device:" dropdown menu, and click "OK".

Result: Your new server now displays in the list.