Daily Signals

The Daily Signals report lists the events reporting by their type and grouped by the day.  This is often used for troubleshooting reports, such as Late to Test, Undefined, Unknown, and Activation Alarms.

Report Parameters

  • Customer ID - Which customer, or customers, to include.  Please note, the system searching numerically if you are searching for a range.  
  • Customer Name - Which Customer Name, or Names, to locate.  This is rarely used alone and will load with the customer name values after selecting the Customer ID.
  • Dealer ID - Which dealer, or dealers, to include.
  • Branch ID - Which branch, or branches, to include.
  • Group Code - Which Group code, or codes, applied to accounts, to include.  
  • Class Code - Which Class code, or codes, applied to the accounts, to include.
  • Date - Range of dates to look for the items.  

  • Include Customer Name - Produces the Customer Name within the report results.
  • Include Details - Provides the details of the event.  
  • Filter by Contacted Types - Filters the report by the types of contacts made.  
  • Page Breaks - Splits between customers with a page break.
  • Output Format 
    • Normal - Default and most condensed
    • Long - Signal/Alarm string presented as seen in the default alarm history.  
    • Detail - Clearest Signal/Alarm details.  Best for sending to end customers.
  • Group By
    • Date - Default -  Results display in date order. 
    • Dealer - Results display  grouped by Dealer.
    • Branch - Results display grouped by Branch.

  • Log Record Types
    • Signals - Events that log to account history and do not display to an alarm operator.
    • Alarms - Events that present to alarm operators.
    • Ignored Signals - Events that through signal programming were ignored as alarms and logged to the account activity history.
  • Monitoring Status
    • Pending - New Account not yet active.
    • Inactive - Non-monitored account that receives signals.
    • Active - Monitored Account 
    • Deactivated - Non-monitored, non-logged account.
  • Summary - Produce summary counts with the results.  
    • None - No summary
    • Each Day - Default - Summary for each day in the report.
    • Grand Totals - Final summary at the end of the report.


Options allow the additional filtering of the report by Event Codes, Event Categories, Contacted Types, Resolution codes, and Customer Types.


The advanced selection allows the filtering by address or Company User Defined fields.