Entering an Action Pattern - Logic - Schedule

WithiWhen creating Action Patterns in Manitou, it is vital to understanding the process and need.  Taking the time to prepare saves time in the creation process.  This guide steps through the creation of a logic Action Pattern after the initial Action Pattern creation.  

Operational Need 

A number of retail accounts have the following requirements: 

  • Upon receipt of the Burglary Alarms
    • IF the hours are between 7 AM and 11 PM the alarm operations will contact the site and one other contact before attempting to contact the police.
    • ELSE, when the hours are after 11 PM up until 7 AM,  the alarm operations will dispatch the police to the site immediately and after dispatch contact the Responsible parties.  
  • Operators will document the alarm details.
  • The System will then send the organization's Loss Prevention team a report of the alarm details.
  • Then close the alarm.   

Planning the Action Pattern

Based on the customer/company need the company then plans the action pattern.  

In this scenario, Manitou checks the General Schedule named and determines the path based on the day of the week and time of the day.   

Creating the Action Pattern

In this example, we create an Action Pattern that makes contact with three contact types, suspends the alarm, then closes the alarm.  This action pattern contains only the the steps required to make the appropriate contacts for the event.  

  1. Navigate to the General Schedules.
    1. Add an Action Pattern General Schedule and note the 4 character code, as it will be required to exist on the individual site(s).
    2. Enter the days of the week and times of the day.  
    3. Click Done.
    4. Save (💾) the record.
  2. Navigate to the Action Pattern form within the record.
  3. Click the Pencil icon (✏️) found on the upper-right-hand corner of the page.  
  4. Select Logic Actions.
    1. Click IF.
      1. Select General Schedule.
      2. Enter a Description.
      3. Select the General Schedule to use.  
      4. Click Apply.
    2. Click Else.
      1. Enter a Description.
      2. Click Apply.
    3. Click End IF.
      1. Enter a Description.
      2. Click Apply
  5. Select Action Handling.
    1. Select Label.
    2. Enter the Label name.
    3. Click Apply.
  6. Select Entity Handling section, and select Contact.
    1. Choose the Contact Customer at Site to contact. 
    2. Click Apply.
  7. Select Entity Handling section, and select Contact.
    1. Choose the Contact ECV Contact to contact.
    2. Click Apply
  8. Select Entity Handling section, and select Contact.
    1. Choose the Authority and Type to contact. 
    2. Click Apply.
  9. Select the Action Handling section and select Label.
    1. Describe the Label, such as DOCUMENT.
    2. Click Apply.
  10. Select the Data Handling section, then Prompt.
    1. Enter a Text Prompt asking for additional details, if available.
    2. Click Apply.
  11. Select Log Line.
    1. Enter the details from the prompt using the variable created in the prompt.
    2. Click Apply.  
  12. Return to Alarm Handling, and select Close.
    1. If desired, select the default resolution code, leave the resolution code blank if the operator should make that selection.
  13. Drag the Contact Actions to the IF section for those items to do when the IF section is TRUE.
  14. Select the Data Handling section, then Prompt.
    1. Enter a List Prompt.
    2. Set the Variable Name.  Such as "@DISPATCH"
    3. Enter the Prompt.  Such as, "Does the site require Police dispatch?"
    4. Enter the Mask.  Such as "Yes|No"
    5. Click Apply.
  15. Within the IF Section below the Contact actions.
    1. Select Logic Actions.
      1. Click IF.
        1. Select Variable.
        2. Enter a Description.
        3. Select the Variable to use.  
        4. Click Apply.
      2. Click Else.
        1. Enter a Description.
        2. Click Apply.
      3. Click End IF.
        1. Enter a Description.
        2. Click Apply
    2. Add a Police Contact Action within the IF section.
    3. Add a Jump To DOCUMENT within the IF Section.
    4. Add a Jump To DOCUMENT with the Else Section.
  16. Click Done.
  17. Save (💾) the Record.

The labels entered in the Action Pattern description fields display within the alarm, to operators, and when selecting Masked in the record.