SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Access Control Card Formats

Different Access Control Card formats use different kinds of data structures. Manitou automatically assigns a Format Number based on the number of Format types already assigned.

Accessing the Access Control Card Formats Form
  1. To reach the Access Control Formats form, navigate to the Maintenance menu, click "Setup”, then click "Access Control Card Formats".

Result: The "Access Control Card Formats" form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Description of Fields
  • Format No: an identifying number assigned to the Format type. Manitou automatically assigns this number based on the number of Format types already assigned.
  • Description: a description of the Card Format. Along with the Format number, this description is displayed in the list.
  • File Name: the file name is case-sensitive and must not include the file path.
Adding a New Access Card Format
  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu, click "Setup", and then click "Access Control Card Formats".
  2. Click "Edit" and then click "Add".

Result: The "Add AC Format" window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A computer screen shot of a computer screenDescription automatically generated

Note: The Format No: field displays automatically populated based on previously assigned Access Control Card Formats. Is there any reason a user should change this?

  1. Enter a brief description into the "Description:" field and click "OK".

Result: The "Add AC Format" window closes and your new AC Format displays in the list.

  1. Enter the File Name into the "File Name:" field and click "Save".