Address and Contacts, Dealer Card

Address and Contacts Information

With this option, you can edit Dealer Address and Contact information.

  • You can add Script Messages and General Schedules when creating your Contact information.
  • Adding a General Schedule is similar to that when adding a General Schedule for a Dealer through the Customer Wizard or New Dealer option.
  • If you create a default Script Message, the selected Event Types are used to automatically fill Event Details for the Script Message based on the selected parameters. You use default Script Messages with emails, faxes, and text notifications.
Dealer Card

The Dealer card maintains Dealer-specific options allowing for Customer put On-Test designation,

third-party billing specifications, time format, and email address for sending reports.

  • Allow Jobs On Test – Allows the Customer to be able to put the account On Test in the event that the Customer would like to test the service.
  • Monitoring Group – Designations to categorize and distribute signals to specific operator groups. At the time of the Manitou installation, it has a default Monitoring Group setting of “0”. But Bold Technologies recommends that all installations create a Monitoring Group of their own, instead of using the default "0" group.
  • A/R Company – The Accounts Receivable company for the Dealer.
  • A/R Lookup – The Account Receivable number for the Dealer.
  • Time Format – Set the time to a 12-hour or 24-hour time format.
  • Email Address to Use – Dealer email address to use for sending reports.