Managing Plans

Plans are images of the account property (if configured). Plans can show video snapshots, schematics, drawings, floor plans, and so on. In use with an alarm, these Plans can show valuable information such as a tripped Zone and all other Zones of an Area, as well as provide access to Devices such as cameras.

A Plan is the framework or canvas on which Layers of information are built. Plans themselves (for example, a map, blueprint, picture, and so on) are considered "Layers." Devices, Zones, Areas, Linking Elements, Labels, and so on are "Objects" and information that you add to these Layers.

Adding Plans

You can add Plans by clicking Add on the Plans card. When you click the icon, the Add Plans card displays where you type a Description for the Plan.

Once you add, the initial Plan the Layers card becomes active. Click Add on the Layers  card. When you click the icon the Add Layers card displays where you:

  • Select Customer Layers (zero, positive, and negative numbers).
  • Type a Description.
  • Click Upload to transfer an image to Manitou.
 Adding Objects to Plans

Once you upload an image, the following options appear on the Areas card. To add or edit objects, click Edit to enable the edit mode. Once you click this icon you will see add and delete options for the objects.

  • Drop Pin  – You use this object to mark on Plans where camera views converge.
  • Areas – Areas are physical spaces and Zones are contained within Areas. For example, an Area could consist of a hallway and several office spaces and conference rooms.
  • Zones – Zones are physical locations within an Area or location. For example, Zone 1 could be the front door of a facility.
  • Sectors – You can use Sectors to track where persons are located. For example, an office building might have two Sectors. You might set up the first Sector for outside of the building and the Second Sector is the inside of the building. When a person uses an access card to gain entry into the building, Access Control will record that a person went from outside the building to inside the building based on the sectors set up on the reader. 
  • Fields of View – Is the extent of the observable view either by the human eye or optical device, or the “angle” of space that can be detected by a sensor.
  • Devices – You can use Devices, which are monitoring instruments, to help establish security. For example, cameras, motion detectors, microphones, controls/sensors, and so on.
  • Video Routes – Indicates cameras that are linked together in order. For example, cameras linked together in a stairwell.
  • Links – Links allow you to connect multiple Plan Layers together. For example, if two floor plans exist for a two-story building, you can insert a graphical icon into one Plan that links to the other. This allows you the ability to switch quickly between each Plan with a single mouse click.

There are a variety of icons available. For example, using an up arrow on a staircase could graphically indicate the ability to navigate up or down to another Layer or Plan. When you click this arrow, you connect to that other Plan. When you use your pointing device to point to a link, a graphical summary will also reveal the linked Plan.

  • Labels –Allows you to create and place labels on your uploaded images.
  • Compass – Used to orient you to compass headings in relation to the Plans.
Filtering and Editing Plans

You can edit or delete a Plan by directing your pointing device anywhere in the designated Plan and clicking Edit  or Delete .

You can use the toolbar to zoom in or out on a Plan, or temporarily filter in and out objects on the Plan by clicking the related icon. Directing your pointing device to one of the toolbar items displays a hint as to its use. For example, you could click Labels to filter temporarily in or out the Labels you’ve placed on a Plan.