Adding a Dealer

In Manitou, a Dealer entity serves as a critical tool for managing and organizing accounts, particularly when those accounts are handled by an external installing or servicing company, or when they represent a specific subdivision of accounts within the company’s operations.

The Dealer entity allows for detailed management and reporting by grouping accounts under a specific dealer, enabling the monitoring company to track performance, manage service requests, and generate dealer-specific reports. This structure not only enhances operational efficiency but also provides clear accountability, ensuring that each dealer or subdivision can be monitored for service quality and responsiveness, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and operational oversight.

Adding a Dealer 

  1. Click the Hamburger Icon (≡), then File, New, and Dealer.
  2. Enter the Dealer ID - This ID has a maximum length of 32 characters.  See your organization's standards for your ID requirements.  Some examples are DLR0001, AMAZINGALRMS, and the like.  
  3. Enter the Dealer Name.
  4. Type defaults to Dealer - You can create Sub Dealers by linking to a Master after creating the Dealer.  
  5. If applicable, choose the Accounting Company and Accounting ID.
  6. Verify the Country, Language, and Time Zone.
  7. When all is entered as required, click Done.

This commits the Dealer to the database and loads the Dealer Record to the screen.