The default dashboard loads to users when they first log into Manitou is the Standard dashboard.
Initial Standard Dashboard
The initial dashboard shows no recent customers or alarm customers as the user has yet to complete any of those actions.
After working in Manitou, the dashboard contains the last 10 Recent customer records opened, the last 10 alarms processed by the operator, and, if configured, what customers are on the "watch list."
Dashboard after Working in Manitou
Users may clear any of the recent items as desired by clicking the eraser icon.
The Standard Dashboard also contains statistics related to the Manitou Database including, Counts, Customer Statuses, Transmitter Statuses, and a graph showing the breakdown of the accounts.
The upper right corner of the Statistics frame allows the selection of customers based on if they have no Dealer or they have no Branch.
Users may also download these images for their use in local reporting or to annotate the details of the breakdown.
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