CanCancel Programming and Cancel Commands

Manitou, and the Manitou Web client, offers the ability to apply CanCancel Transmitter Programming to Event Code, Transmitter, and Customer programming to hold an event in “pre-alarm” state for a prescribed period of time to allow for the restoring/canceling event to arrive, which, in turn, can log the initial alarm event as a signal.

To program this on a Transmitter or Customer:

  1. Enter the incoming event in the DES column, and, if necessary, the area and zone for the incoming event.
  2. Enter the output event, this can be the same as the incoming event if the only reason for the line is the CanCancel programming. This is the event that would be presented to the operator. Leave the = signs or enter any output area and zone information as necessary.
  3. Tab to the Commands column and click the button to add commands.
  4. Locate and select CanCancel.
  5. Choose, or enter, the Restoring/Canceling event.
  6. Choose or enter the restoring/canceling zone number ( = means the same zone, * means any zone).
  7. Enter the timeout (in seconds) you want the Signal Handler to keep the alarm in “pre-alarm” state before releasing it to an operator.
  8. Select the Abort checkbox if the desired behavior is to log the alarm event as a signal in the customer activity log. Leave it unchecked if it should still present to the alarm operator but note that the event was canceled through this process. (The event will show Alarm Cancelled in the alarm and (CANC) in the alarm queue.)
  9. Click OK, or Done.
  10. Enter a second programming line for the Restoring/Canceling event.
  11. Tab to the Commands column again and click the button to open the commands dialog.
  12. Locate and select the Cancel() command to move it to the selected section.
  13. Click OK, or Done.
  14. Save the record.
  15. TEST!

Versions 1.64 and Newer!

It is possible to create CanCancel on Event Codes. Please be aware the same rules apply. The Event Code and the Restoring/Canceling Event BOTH must have programming.

Troubleshooting Notes:

  • Issue: The canceled event arrived within the prescribed period of time, but the event did not cancel.
    • Resolution 1: The Canceling event requires programming with the Cancel() property.
    • Resolution 2: The account is missing the AutoCancel option.
  • Issue: The CanCancel didn’t work at all, the event immediately dropped to the alarm queue.
    • Resolution: The input event must match the incoming event code of the alarm presented to Manitou. We encourage the use of translated events to prevent confusion.