SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Output Device Types

The Output Device Type form defines the various types of Output Devices and their associated protocols.

The following Device Types are used by Manitou:

  • Numeric Pager
  • Alpha Pager
  • SMS Phone
  • Email
  • Fax
  • Printer (Raw output)
  • Retransmission
Adding a New Output Device Type to Manitou

Perform the following steps to add a new Output Device Type:

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu, click "Setup", then click "Output Device Types".

Result: The "Output Device Type" form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Click "Edit" and then click "Add".

Result: The "Add Output Device Type" window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A computer screen shot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Enter an Output Device Code into the appropriate field.

Note: The text you enter into this field displays as the Output Device Code name in the list

  1. Enter a description into the Description field and click "OK".

Result: The "Add Output Device Type" window closes, and the system returns the user to the "Output Device Types" form.

  1. Select an Attribute from the "Attribute:" dropdown menu.

Note: The six available Attribute options are: Phone, Fax, Pager, Email Address, Web Address, and Retransmission.

  1. Select a Type from the "Type:" dropdown menu.

Note: The seven available Type options are as follows: Numeric Pager, Alpha Pager, SMS Phone, Fax, Email, Printer (Raw output), and Retransmission.

  1. Select a Protocol from the "Protocol:" dropdown menu.

Note: The six available Protocol options are: TAP, DTMF, SMS, Fax, Email, Text, and Retransmission.

  1. Enter the number of signal rows to display in Manitou in the "Rows on display" field.
  2. Enter the number of signal columns to display in Manitou in the "Columns on display" field.
  3. Select the specific Script Message to display from the "Script Message:" dropdown menu.

Note: Options in the "Script Message:" dropdown menu correlate to those created in the "Script Messages" form of the Maintenance menu.

  1. If you want your new Output Device Type to display messages as wrapped text, select the "Word wrap display" checkbox.
  2. If you want your new Output Device Type to create a paged contact, select the "Create Paged Contact" checkbox.
  3. If you want to require a Service Code for your new Output Device Type, select the "Service Code required" checkbox.
  4. Click "Save".