The Authority Details section of the Authority record contains three cards. Details, Contacts, and Options.
The Details section contains the core information about the Authority.
- The ID
- Name
- Time Zone
- Language
- Type - Police, Fire, or Medical
Contacts (Contact Points)
The Contacts Card houses the Contact Points for reaching the Authority.
Add Contact Points to an Authority
- Click the Pencil (✏️) icon to launch the Contacts (Contact Point) Card.
Phone Numbers
- Click Add underneath Phone Numbers.
- Choose the Phone number type.
- Enter the Phone number
- If there is an extension, add the extension.
- You may apply a script to the phone number if utilizing Text To Voice features.
- There are no General Schedules for "Keyholder Availability" at this time, if necessary you may return to the number later to add it.
- If the number should not display to an operator when dialing, select Private. Please note, in order to make a number private, you must have an integrated auto-dialing system.
- Repeat as required.
Email Address(es)
- Click Add underneath Email Address
- Select the Type - This is the Record indicator, Email, Email 2, Email 3, etc. You may add additional Email Types within the Supervisor Workstation Subtypes.
- Enter the Email address.
- Leave the Output Device Type to EMAIL
- Service Provider is tied to the Output Device Type and will automatically populate when available.
- Select the Default Script to use if no other Script is defined for an email. Scripts are created within the Supervisor Workstation Script Messages.
- Format is the default format for any attached information. We encourage the consistent use of PDF because it is an image of the document instead of an easily editable format.
- If the email must not display to an operator, select Private.
- Repeat as required.
- Click Add underneath Web.
- Select the Type - like email, this is the index link to the individual line such as Web Address, Web Address 2, etc.
- Enter the website URL address - Be sure to add http or https.
When all items are entered correctly, click Done.
Remember to Save (💾) to commit the changes to the database!
The Authority Options card contains additional details on permits, false alarm tracking, and dispatch charges.
- Click the Pencil icon (✏️) to edit the Authority Options.
- If required, check the Permit Required box. Permits are applied to the account records for the monitored location.
- If required, select the False Alarm Tracking that when false alarms exceed the limit Manitou generates a warning to the alarm processing operators.
- Sliding Window - is an ongoing period of time, in days.
- Calendar Period - Number of Months.
- Forever (never resets)
- Set the appropriate Limits and, if Calendar Period, the start month. False Alarm Limit - how many false alarms the Authority allows
- False Alarm Period - the time period, for the false alarm restriction.
- Sliding Window = Number of Days
- Calendar Period = Number of Months
- Forever = Not applicable but must be at least 1
- False Alarm Starting Month - If Calendar Period, this is the designated month (in numerals, 1-12) to start tracking.
- False Alarm Period - the time period, for the false alarm restriction.
- If applicable, enter a Charge Code.
- After entering all data appropriately, click Save (💾) to commit the information to the database.