Authority Details

The Authority Details section of the Authority record contains three cards.  Details, Contacts, and Options.  


The Details section contains the core information about the Authority.  

  • The ID
  • Name
  • Time Zone
  • Language
  • Type - Police, Fire, or Medical  

Contacts (Contact Points) 

The Contacts Card houses the Contact Points for reaching the Authority.  

Add Contact Points to an Authority

  • Click the Pencil (✏️) icon to launch the Contacts (Contact Point) Card.

Phone Numbers

  1. Click Add underneath Phone Numbers.
  2. Choose the Phone number type.
  3. Enter the Phone number
    • If there is an extension, add the extension.
    • You may apply a script to the phone number if utilizing Text To Voice features.
  4. There are no General Schedules for "Keyholder Availability" at this time, if necessary you may return to the number later to add it.  
  5. If the number should not display to an operator when dialing, select Private.  Please note, in order to make a number private, you must have an integrated auto-dialing system.  
  6. Repeat as required.

Email Address(es)

  1. Click Add underneath Email Address
  2. Select the Type - This is the Record indicator, Email, Email 2, Email 3, etc.  You may add additional Email Types within the Supervisor Workstation Subtypes.
  3. Enter the Email address.
  4. Leave the Output Device Type to EMAIL
  5. Service Provider is tied to the Output Device Type and will automatically populate when available.  
  6. Select the Default Script to use if no other Script is defined for an email.  Scripts are created within the Supervisor Workstation Script Messages.  
  7. Format is the default format for any attached information.  We encourage the consistent use of PDF because it is an image of the document instead of an easily editable format.  
  8. If the email must not display to an operator, select Private.
  9. Repeat as required.


  1. Click Add underneath Web.
  2. Select the Type - like email, this is the index link to the individual line such as Web Address, Web Address 2, etc.
  3. Enter the website URL address - Be sure to add http or https.  

When all items are entered correctly, click Done.

Remember to Save (💾) to commit the changes to the database!


The Authority Options card contains additional details on permits, false alarm tracking, and dispatch charges. 

  1. Click the Pencil icon (✏️) to edit the Authority Options.
  2. If required, check the Permit Required box.  Permits are applied to the account records for the monitored location.
  3. If required, select the False Alarm Tracking that when false alarms exceed the limit Manitou generates a warning to the alarm processing operators.
    1. Sliding Window - is an ongoing period of time, in days.
    2. Calendar Period - Number of Months.
    3. Forever (never resets)
  4. Set the appropriate Limits and, if Calendar Period, the start month. False Alarm Limit - how many false alarms the Authority allows
    • False Alarm Period - the time period, for the false alarm restriction.
      • Sliding Window = Number of Days
      • Calendar Period = Number of Months
      • Forever = Not applicable but must be at least 1
    • False Alarm Starting Month - If Calendar Period, this is the designated month (in numerals, 1-12) to start tracking.  
  5. If applicable, enter a Charge Code.
  6. After entering all data appropriately, click Save (💾) to commit the information to the database.