Alarm Response

The Alarm Response report returns the response times for events within the period described.  Operations often use this report to track compliance with alarm action timing.  

Report Parameters

  • Customer ID - Which customer, or customers, to include in the report.  Please note, that the report server searches the database numerically if you are searching for a range.  
  • Customer Name - Which Customer Name, or Names, to locate.  This is rarely used alone and will load with the customer name values after selecting the Customer ID.
  • Dealer ID - Which dealer, or dealers, to include.
  • Branch ID - Which branch, or branches, to include.
  • Group Code - Which Group code, or codes, applied to accounts, to include.  
  • Class Code - Which Class code, or codes, applied to the accounts, to include.
  • User ID - filters the report results based on the user ID(s) selected.
  • Date - Range of dates to look for the items.  

  • Minimum Response (seconds) - filters out any response times less than the defined value. 
  • Include details - includes the history details of the response.
  • Only include actioned alarms in averages - filters out any alarm events that did not have actions taken.  This is often because a number of alarms that are tracked together will have the first alarm only actioned.  
  • Monitoring Status - Which accounts to include based on their state.
    • Pending - New Account not yet active.
    • Inactive - Non-monitored account that receives signals.
    • Active - Monitored Account
    • Deactivated - Non-monitored, non-logged account.

  • Group By - allows the selection between Date and Operator for grouping the results.  
  • Response Type - allows the selection of First View to First Action or Available to First Action.  
    • First View to First Action - Calculates the response time based on the alarm arrival to the operator's screen to the first action taken by the operator.
    • Available to First Action - Calculates the response time based on the arrival into the alarm queue to the first action.


The Options allow the filtering of the report results by Event Codes and Event Categories.


The advanced selection allows the filtering by address or Company User Defined fields.