SWS - Forms in the Report Menu - System Reports - Maintenance Reports - ASAP Validate

Customers can subscribe to the Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP) service. ASAP validations occur when Manitou confirms that it has the same Customer address information as the Public Safety Access Point (PSAP). The ASAP Validate Report displays errors and validation attempts for all ASAP communications.

Generating an ASAP Validate Report

Note: we strongly recommend contacting your PSAP before running this Report. Perform the following steps to generate an ASAP Validate Report:

  1. Navigate to the Reports menu, and select "System Reports".

Result: The "System Reports" Navigation Tree displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Click the "Maintenance" Navigation Tree Node.

Result: The Maintenance section of the Navigation Tree expands as displayed in the following screenshot:

  1. Double-click "ASAP Validate".

Result: The "ASAP Validate" form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. If you want, apply any of the following parameters to your ASAP Validate Report:
  • Customer ID
  • Dealer ID
  • Branch ID
  • Authority ID
  1. To run an ASAP Validate Report, enter a beginning value in the "From:" field and an ending value in the "To:" field. The system will report on all items in the selected category that fit between the beginning and ending values.
  2. The "Errors Only" option in the "Include Option" area of the form displays as preselected. If you want your Report to display all ASAP validation attempts rather than just errors, select the "All Validation Attempts" option.
  3. Once you have entered all the parameters for your Report, click "Next".

Result: The Distribution Tab displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. For instructions on distributing your Report, refer to the "System Reports" document.