Configuring Alarm Tracking

Monitoring Companies set their alarm tracking settings within the Manitou Supervisor Workstation.  

There are five options for Tracking.

  • Alarm Tracking Cancellation 
    • Don't Ask - Cancel - The system automatically cancels the alarm tracking without operator interaction.  
    • Don't Ask - Don't Cancel - The system automatically holds the tracking  based on the alarm tracking time out without operator interaction.
    • Ask - Prompts the operator to choose to keep or cancel tracking upon closure of the last alarm for the customer, or master customer. 
  • Alarm Tracking Mode
    • Automatic - Most common and recommended.  This automatically tracks customer, and when applicable master customer, alarms to the first operator.  This establishes the operator as the manager of all alarms for that customer record until they close the last event.  
    • Manual - No alarms track to operators unless the operator themselves track the customer to themselves.  
    • Automatic Upon Defer/Close - Alarm tracking mode enables when an operator defers or closes an alarm.
  • Alarm Tracking Timeout - the number of minutes alarm tracking holds to the alarm operator, when not canceled at the closure of the last alarm for the customer or master customer.  
  • Limbo Tracking Options -  This feature applies when operators work at the same physical workstation and log in and out with their individual users.  This can hold alarm tracking on the workstation.  
    • Limbo Tracking Option - sets the priority of alarm that would release the tracking from an operator's workstation from log out by one and login by another. 
    • Limbo Tracking Timeout - determines how long, in seconds, the workstation holds the tracking as one user logs out and the other logs in.  

Tracking options work together to determine how and where tracking functions within Manitou.  

Common challenges 

  • Alarm Operator retains tracking of a customer, a new alarm arrives while the operator processes other alarms., The new alarm "waits" for the operator to be available.
  • Alarm operator suspends an alarm, retains tracking, and steps away from their workstation.  The suspended or new alarms sit on that operator's workstation.

We highly recommend canceling tracking when stepping away from Manitou.  Logging out of Manitou ensures tracking entries remove and ensures proper reporting of operator statistics.