UL Response

The UL Response Report delivers the details of those accounts where a UL runner on an Agency for UL events. The report is looking for the UL Runner person type and the minimum alarm priority level that requires a UL Runner.

Report Parameters

  • Customer ID - Which customer, or customers, you wish to include.  Please note, the system searching numerically if you are searching for a range.  
  • Customer Name - Which Customer Name, or Names, you seek.  This is rarely used alone and will load with the customer name values after selecting the Customer ID.
  • Dealer ID - Which dealer, or dealers, to include.
  • Branch ID - Which branch, or branches, to include.
  • Group Code - Which Group code, or codes, applied to accounts, to include.  
  • Class Code - Which Class code, or codes, applied to the accounts, to include.
  • Signal Date - Range of dates to look for the Unrestored items.  
  • Minimum number of minutes unrestored - Whole number of minutes old the events must be unrestored to be included.  
  • Group by - Chooses how the group the records returned. 
  • Order By - Chooses the ordering of the report results.  


The Options available for this report allow for the filtering based on specific event codes and categories.  


The advanced selection allows the filtering by address or Company User Defined fields. 

Report Results

D-N-A, within the report results, stands for Did Not Arrive. This means that the alarm should have had a runner (investigator), but sent none. The '***' noted below Investigator Average shows when there are one or more D-N-A's since that average cannot be calculated.