Dealer Statistics

The Dealer Statistics form displays the key information related to that dealer's customer accounts.  This form contains four (4) cards.  

Statistics Card

The Statistics card includes a checkbox that is, by default, enabled, on the dealer record to include the dealer's sub-dealers if they exist.   Removing the checkbox filters out to only the accounts that are on the current selected Dealer record.

Customer Counts Card

Lists the number of customer records that are connected to that dealer.  

  • Active - Accounts actively monitored for alarms.  
  • Inactive - Accounts logging activity to history but not delivering signals to alarm operations.
  • Pending - Newly created accounts not yet monitored or tracking the activity to the alarm history.
  • Deactive - Accounts no longer monitored or logging activity to history.

Clicking any of the linked numbers display the accounts listed in that section.  

Customer Status Summary Card

Statistics regarding the alarms and activity on accounts. 

  • Currently In Alarm - Dealer's alarms with alarms active in the Alarm Queue.
  • Currently On Test - Dealer's accounts currently On Test or Out of Service.
  • Dispatched Alarms - Number of the Dealer's alarms within the selected period of 24, 48, or 72 hours.  
  • New Maintenance Issues - Dealer's Accounts with Maintenance Issues flagged as New.  
  • Unresolved Maintenance Issues - Dealer's Accounts with Maintenance Issues that are not yet resolved.
  • Expired Permits - Dealer's accounts with permit expiration dates before the current date.
  • Customer Watch List - Listing of the customers flagged on the Dealer's Customer Watch list.
  • Top Alarm Activity - Listing of customers that match the top listing, set in the monitoring company options, for top alarm activity.
  • Top False Alarm Activity - Listing of the customers that match the top listing, set in the monitoring company options, for top false alarm activity.

Clicking the number to the right of any of these statistics, lists the accounts that meet that criteria.

Customer TX Summary

Lists the customer counts and records related to the individual transmitters on the dealer's customer records.  

  • Transmitter in Alarm - Transmitters with alarms in the alarm activity for dealer's accounts transmitters.
  • Transmitter in Fault - Transmitters that have unrestored fault values on the dealer's accounts transmitters.
  • Transmitter in Line Fault - Transmitters that have unrestored Line Fault events.  
  • Transmitters Low Battery - Transmitters that have unrestored Low Battery events.
  • Transmitters with Late to Test - Transmitters with unrestored Late to Test events.
  • Transmitters Missing Event Programming - Transmitters with alarm events that were missing an Action Pattern.  
  • Transmitters Not On File - Number of Transmitters reporting from within the a Dealer's Transmitter ID range that did not report to a customer record within the selected period of 24, 48, or 72 hours. .  

Clicking the number ot the right of any of these statistics, lists the accounts that meet that critera.