Raw Data Log

The Manitou Raw Data log contains every event passed from the receiver through the Front End Processor (FEP).  

This is found within the Tools menu then Raw Data Log

Complete the information and click Search.

  1. Select the Front End Processor (FEP) actively receiving the signals.
  2. If seeking data from a specific Receiver Type or Receiver Line, select it.  
  3. If seeking for a specific time or time frame, set the dates and determine if the dates will look within a range.  
  4. The results automatically load in the most recent item at the top of the list.  If looking for the oldest first, remove the Reverse checkbox.  
  5. If desired, select a Receiver Line Prefix and/or Transmitter ID.
  6. When all set as desired, click Search.

The results return a maximum of 1000 records.  Use the filtering features to help narrow down the results.