SWS - Forms in the Report Menu - System Reports - Activity Reports - Unrestored Signals

The Unrestored Signals Report is typically run to verify if alarms received a restore signal, or if the account requires maintenance in order to clear out closed, but unrestored, alarms. The Report lists all alarms that are in Restore Required status, but have not yet been restored.

Generating an Unrestored Signals Report

Perform the following steps to generate an Unrestored Signals Report:

  1. Navigate to the Reports menu, and select "System Reports".

Result: The "System Reports" Navigation Tree displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Click the "Activity" Navigation Tree Node.

Result: The Activity section of the Navigation Tree expands as displayed in the following screenshot:

  1. Double-click the "Unrestored Signals" Navigation Tree Node.

Result: The "Unrestored Signals" form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. If you want, apply any of the following parameters to your Unrestored Signals Report:
  • Customer ID
  • Customer Name
  • Dealer ID
  • Branch ID
  • Group
  • Class
  1. To run an Unrestored Signals Report, enter a beginning value in the "From:" field and an ending value in the "To:" field. The system will report on all items in the selected category that fit between the beginning and ending values.
  2. The Date fields display as preselected. If you do not want to designate a specific date and time range for your Report, deselect the "Date" checkbox. Otherwise, enter the date and time range for which you want to run the Report.
  3. If you want to group the signals in your Report by Customer, Dealer, or Branch, select the grouping you want from the "Group by" area of the form.
  4. If you want to order your Report items by Date, Customer ID, or Customer Name, select the order you want from the "Order by" area of the form.
  5. If you want to define the minimum number of minutes the signal has remained unrestored, select that minimum number in the "Minimum number of minutes unrestored:" field.

Note: Ten minutes is the default minimum number of minutes the signal has remained unrestored. If you select a number bigger than the number of minutes a signal has remained unrestored, that signal will not display in your Report.

  1. Click "Options".

Result: The "Unrestored Signals Options" window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Deselect the Event Codes, Event Categories, and Monitoring Statuses that you want to exclude from your Unrestored Signals Report, and click "OK".

Result: The Unrestored Signals Options window closes, and the system returns you to the Unrestored Signals form.

  1. Once you have entered all the parameters for your Report, click "Next".

Result: The Distribution Tab displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. For instructions on distributing your Report, refer to the "System Reports" document.
The Advanced Button

Some Report forms include an Advanced Settings button. Clicking this button results in the display of an Advanced Settings window. Use the "Customer user-defined fields" form in the Tools menu, under Options, and Account Creation/Maintenance to customize Report fields on Advanced Settings windows.

For instructions on how to access and use the form, refer to the "System Reports" document.