Add a Customer


Add a Customer
How to create a new customer in Manitou.
New Customer Details
Once you create a new customer in Manitou's Web client, it is important to understand the individual features.  Here we discuss the Customer details. Within the New Customer Wizard, you enter the Customer Details regarding the site-specific add...
New Monitoring Details
The Monitoring details Stop in the New Customer Wizard allows you to enter and select the appropriate details related to the account.  The Most important items to complete here are Password/Duress Passwords, Area Fill Value, and setting ...
New Customer - Contacts
The Contacts step on the New Customer Wizard allows you to add the persons, and entities that will be a part of the new account.  Contacts are the persons or entities that have access to the monitored location. Adding Contacts (Responsib...
New Customer Call Lists
Call Lists allow the creation of specific contacts in a specific order to allow for individual management based on zone or time of day overrides.  If the site contacts the persons in the order defined in the Contact List, then Call Lists are...