Activity Reports


Activity Reports
The Activity Reports section contains the reports that apply to various types of activity within the system.  Available reports are: Agency Response  - Activity details of alarms when an agency (Guarding, UL Runner, and the like) r...
Alarm Cause Summary
The Alarm Cause Summary report details the closure details for alarms.   Report Parameters Customer ID  - Filters which customer, or range of customers to include in the report results.  Please note, that the report server s...
Alarm Detail Report
The Alarm Detail report is similar to the Activity report filtered specifically to the alarms and the processing of those alarms.   Report Parameters Customer ID  - Filters which customer, or range of customers to include ...
Alarm Detail by Alarm Number
The Alarm Detail by Alarm Number report allows you to produce a single report for a specific alarm.  This is used often when you have to provide this information to a reporting authority or for a legal proceeding.   Finding the Alarm Numbe...
Authority Call History
The Authority Call History report returns the calls made to and details of Authority calls and dispatches.   Report Parameters Authority ID - Which Authority or group of Authorities to include. Date - Time frame to retur...
Authority Response Report
The Authority Response report lists the details regarding Authority (or Authorities) response(s) including times and details of their response.   Report Parameters Customer ID  - Which customer, or customers, to include in th...
Alarm Grading
The Alarm Grading report is used when set for PSIM returns the alarm grade values based on the warning settings. Report Parameters Date - Period of time to include for the report. High Priority - number value of wha...
Alarm Resolution
The Alarm Resolution report returns the alarm activity details based on the resolution code(s) applied to the alarm(s) when closed.  Report Parameters Customer ID  - Which customer, or customers, to include in the report.  Pl...
Alarm Response
The Alarm Response report returns the response times for events within the period described.  Operations often use this report to track compliance with alarm action timing.   Report Parameters Customer ID  - Which customer, o...
Customer Activity
The Customer Activity report provides account history for customer records. Report Parameters Customer ID  - Which customer, or customers, to include in the report.  Please note, that the report server searches the database n...
Daily Signals
The Daily Signals report lists the events reporting by their type and grouped by the day.  This is often used for troubleshooting reports, such as Late to Test, Undefined, Unknown, and Activation Alarms. Report Parameters Custo...
Handled Signals by Operator
The Handled Signals by Operator report provides a list of the accounts and signals processed by operators.   Report Parameters Customer ID  - Which customer, or customers, you wish to include.  Please note, the system searchi...
Signal Count by Customer
The Signal Count by Customer report produces how many Signals, Alarms, and Ignored Signals tripped by account for the account(s) and dates selected. Report Parameters Customer ID  - Which customer, or customers, to include.  ...
UL Response
The UL Response Report delivers the details of those accounts where a UL runner on an Agency for UL events. The report is looking for the UL Runner person type and the minimum alarm priority level that requires a UL Runner. Report Par...
Unrestored Signals
The Unrestored Signals report generates a listing of which accounts and event remain in their alarm state despite their requirement of a restore.   We strongly recommend updating the Title of any report to ease location within the report ...
User History
The User History report is designed to show Operator logon and logoff information. Users may choose to include all history information or limit the report to logon or logoff information. See the  System Reports  or Scheduled Re...