Processing Alarms

Upon receiving alarms, if available any customer record related comments or notes load.  Review them following company policy.  

Review the Alarm

Prior to handling the alarm, Alarm operators should review the Alarm in the following order. 

  1. Alarm Information - The Top of the Web client and the Alarm Details section show the alarm information. 
    1. What type of alarm is it?
    2. What priority is the event?
    3. What zone triggered?
  2. Customer Information 
  3. If applicable, Dealer details.
  4. Customer Activity Log
    1. Has the event restored?
    2. Are there any additional events of concern?
  5. Customer Status.   
    1. Is the system armed or disarmed?
    2. Is any portion of the system On Test? 
    3. Is there a schedule that impacts this event?
  6. Action Pattern.

Following the Action Pattern

The company defines the action patterns operators see based on their Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and specific needs of the customer or Dealer.  This should provide the operator with the exact steps required to successfully process the alarm.  

The Action pattern has color coding:

  • Yellow - Current action to complete.
  • Red - Completed Action - like a stop sign.  
  • Green - Pending Action
  • Gray - Ignored or Unavailable Action.

Processing an Alarm 

  1. The easiest way to begin processing the alarm is to use the "D" keyboard key.  This is often know as "D for Do!" Alternatively, users may double click the Action pattern item they wish to launch.  This launches the available action pattern item.  This may be to make a phone call, answer a question, review a camera, or listen to audio.  
  2. Once completed, do the next action.  
  3. When built to follow SOP the final action is to Close the alarm.  Once again, press D for do.  

Processing Completed Action Pattern Items

After an action pattern item completes, turns red, if an operator double clicks, or selects the line then presses their D key, Manitou processes the next logical action.  For example, if the action is to contact the Customer, once contacted or a message left, the next logical action is that they are calling back to receive or provide additional information.  This is considered a Call In.  

To re-do an action, users may either select the line and press A then A again on their keyboard, known as "Action Again" or "Action Action", or by selecting the line and selecting the Actions Menu then Action.    

Ignoring Action Pattern Lines

Manitou's Signal Handler will automatically ignore action pattern lines that do not contain the feature or contact point(s) mentioned.  When it does this, the items load automatically listed as gray.  

Operators may manually ignore actions, if necessary, by pressing A then I on their keyboard or choosing the Actions Menu and Ignore.  

Closing an Alarm

Action Patterns are recommended to include a Close command to ensure that it follows the SOP.  However, if the action pattern does not, or the operator must close the alarm based on Customer or their own override, they may do so by using the Finish menu.  

  • F then S on the keyboard aligns with Finish and Close.  Depending on the company requirements, if all action pattern items are not yet completed, this may not be available if they aren't all completed.  
  • F then O on the keyboard aligns with Finish and Operator Cancel.  This requires the operator to validate their password to close the alarm.  This information logs to the activity log history showing who and when.  It is important for the operator to enter their reason for overriding the action pattern in this way by entering a comment.  
  • F then C on the keyboard aligns with Finish and Customer Cancel.  This requires a customer password validation to show that the customer authorized the closure of the alarm.  It is highly recommended the operator note why the customer requested the override of the actions.