This article steps you through using Manitou to automatically notify customers when someone arms (closes) or disarms (opens) the site. Prior to the release of Post Processing Action Patterns, Manitou required the Open/Close service for Monitoring to be enabled. With Post Processing this is no longer required.
Step 1 - Create, or locate, the Script message to use:
- Load the Supervisor Workstation
- Navigate to the Script Messages menu (Maintenance menu - Script Messages)
- Save the Script Message.
Step 2 - Create an Action Pattern (If you already have one, skip Step 2)
- Load the Manitou 2.x Web Interface
- Navigate to the Customer, Dealer, or Monitoring company record and select Action Patterns.
- Click the plus icon to add a new action pattern.
- Expand the Entity Handing Section and select Notify, then choose the appropriate entity to Notify, and their contact point of Email, Fax, Text, etc., then select Apply. (There is no need for a close command on a Post processing Action)
- Click Done and Save the record.
Step 3 - Add Event Code and Action Pattern to Customer Post Processing
- Load the Customer record and navigate to the Systems, Programming, Post Processing section, and click the edit pencil icon.
- Within the dialog enter:
- Event Code such as OP, CL, *O, OP1, etc.
- Zone, if it must be specific.
- Select the appropriate Action Pattern
- Save the Record.
Step 3(A) - Add Event Code and Action Pattern to Dealer Post Processing
- Load the Dealer record and click Edit.
- Navigate to the Programming section.
- Select the Event Category of the events to send the notification.
- Save the Record.
Additional Notes:
Post Processing Action Patterns are triggered after the closing of an alarm or in the absence of an alarm. Meaning, if the event included is not an alarm, by default, the post processing action pattern will be sent even though there is no alarm.
The same is true within the Event Categories on the Dealer Record. Any events in that category send that action pattern after the closing of an alarm event or when the non-alarm event arrives.
Always TEST your solutions before committing them to customers!