Forms in the Maintenance Menu


SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Users
Accessing the User form allows an SWS user to add, edit, or delete users from the Manitou system. All Operators, Supervisors, System Administrators, and other staff who require access to Manitou must be individually added to the Manitou User form. T...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - User Groups
Manitou allows a user to configure a group of users at one time using the User Groups function. The User Groups form includes details about security levels and the amount of access members of a designated User Group will have in Manitou. User restri...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Workstations
The Workstations function is used to define which computers, users, and Monitoring Groups can connect to the Manitou system. Access Levels are used to define the level of access each Workstation has to the Manitou system. The following table pr...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Event Codes
Event Codes are included with the signals Manitou receives from transmitters located at remote sites. After Manitou receives an Event Code, it uses Signal Processing Attributes to translate the signal information and gather information about the c...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Event Categories
Event Categories are broad groups of Event Codes. The Event Categories form displays all the Event Categories defined within Manitou, and allows a user to add, edit, or delete them. Adding an Event Category Navigate to the Main...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Event Maps
The Event Maps function provides a full list of Event Codes for each external alarm and identifies the Manitou internal code. The signal is then translated before processing. When signals are transmitted to Receivers, they exist in a standard i...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Country
The Country function allows a user to define country-specific address attributes in Manitou. Such country-specific attributes include: Fields for street, city, and Zip Codes Formats for telephone numbers, dates, and times Formats fo...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Locales
A Locale is a collection of parameters that affect how information is presented within a particular group of users. Generally, users from different Locales can be distinguished from each other on the basis of location and language. Locale settings c...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Time Zones
Time Zones include date and time related parameters that determine how Manitou measures time. Information regarding Daylight Savings is particularly important to Manitou because whether or not people practice Daylight Savings varies from region to r...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Configuration
The Configuration screen displays the configuration for various Manitou-related servers and applications. Manitou Configuration will be defined on your system before installation, but users may find it necessary to modify it themselves at a lat...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Receivers
Before you can add a Receiver to the Manitou system, you must connect and configure at least one FEP (Front End Processor). FEPs receive signal data from Receivers and forward it to Manitou. When an FEP or Receiver is physically connected to Manitou...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Permissions
You want to change "System Reports" within the Supervisor Permissions Profile. You go into Edit mode, select the Supervisor Profile, and highlight System Reports: By default, the following permissions are set as...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Access Control Card Formats
Different Access Control Card formats use different kinds of data structures. Manitou automatically assigns a Format Number based on the number of Format types already assigned. Accessing the Access Control Card Formats Form To reac...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Application Types
The Application Types form displays the Manitou system configuration as regards active applications. These applications will typically be defined and configured during the implementation process. However, it may become necessary for a user to m...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Contact Point Types
The Contact Point Types form provides a list of currently configured phone, fax, email, and pager descriptions that can be displayed on forms containing Contact Point information. Entries can be added, changed, or deleted as necessary. Note: So...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Integration Configuration
The Integration Configuration tool is a way for you to add, edit, and delete configuration files stored as BObject records which you use for audio, toolbars, user profiles, programs, and so on. Note: This is an overview of the Integration Con...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Monitoring Groups
Manitou uses Monitoring Group designations to categorize and distribute signals to specific Operator groups. At the time Manitou is installed, it has a default Monitoring Group setting of 0. If no other Monitoring Groups are defined, no specific dis...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Monitoring Types
Users can access the Monitoring Types form to add or edit monitoring services (for e.g., Transmitter tests, Video Monitoring, and Daily Signals). The Monitoring Types form allows Central Stations to modulate every monitor service for billing and rep...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Output Device Types
The Output Device Type form defines the various types of Output Devices and their associated protocols. The following Device Types are used by Manitou: Numeric Pager Alpha Pager SMS Phone Email Fax Printer (Raw outp...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Service Provider Devices
The Service Provider Types function provides a definition of the hardware and the settings related details for Output Device Types in Manitou. Navigate to the Maintenance menu, click "Setup", then select "Service Provider Devices". ...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Permit Types
A Permit Type defines the set of Unique Reference Numbers (URNs) for Police, Fire and Medical Services. In Manitou, these Entities are known as Authorities. Once defined, the URN types become part of the Manitou Customer record. Currently, thre...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Receiver Types
The Receiver Types form defines the various types of Receivers that are used in Manitou. Each time you add a new Receiver, you must update the information contained in this form. Adding a New Receiver Type Perform the following steps to ad...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Reverse Channel Routes
Reverse Channel Routes allow Manitou to send signals to Transmitters for testing and response purposes. This is most useful for accounts with video or Access Control functions. Adding a Reverse Channel Route Perform the following steps to ...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - SubTypes
The Subtypes form allows a user to add new subcategories (called "Subtypes") to the hierarchically-superior Manitou categories. Currently, the user can add a Subtype to any of the following Manitou categories: Action Patterns Address La...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Transmitter Protocol Types
A Transmitter is a device located at a Customer Premises that communicates with the signal Receivers connected to Manitou. The specific Transmitter for each Customer is indicated in the Customer Record, along with the Transmitter Protocol Type. ...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Workstation Groups
The Workstation Group form allows you to associate a Manitou Workstation with other individual Workstations. Creating a New Workstation Group in Manitou Perform the following steps to create a Workstation Group: Navigate to the...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Class Codes
Class Codes and Group Codes are customizable, user-created options for grouping certain signals or Resolutions together. For instance, a Central Station may wish to assign all monitored banking companies to a large Class Code, but a particular Branc...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Resolution Codes
Resolution Codes are user-created codes that are customized for particular alarm situations. For example, an alarm may be received that has been set off as a result of a thunderstorm. The Operator may wish to resolve the alarm by entering "WE" for "...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Schedule Window Codes
Schedule Window Codes allow you to create and apply simple deviations to OWS Schedule Windows. For example, let's say that a retail store opens at 9am and closes at 6pm. The posted business hours usually apply only to Customers who might visit the s...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Accounting Companies
Manitou can integrate with Sedona and Quickbooks Accounting Software products. Manitou can be configured with these products so that updates in one program automatically result in the same updates in the other program. Adding and Configuring Ac...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Control Panels
The Control Panel form allows you to create and maintain a global list of Control Panels in common use across the Manitou system. Once created, Control Panels are available for use in the Customer and Dealer Records. Panel Type – The manufa...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Global Holidays
The Global Holidays function allows you to program the system with the dates of public holidays for the current year. Manitou then uses this information for Open/Close schedules, Keyholder lists, and other areas of the system where holiday informati...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Maintenance Issues
Viewing an Existing Maintenance Issue Perform the following steps to view an existing Maintenance Issue in Manitou: Open Manitou. Note: The steps in this section can be performed in either the Supervisor Workstation or ...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Script Messages
The Script Messages function allows users to create messages that can be saved and sent to Customers via email or fax. Once created, Script Messages are available for use with Action Pattern items. Manitou can also add current alarm information...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Web Membership
A Web Membership account allows you to access features in BoldNet. Creating a New BoldNet User Perform the following steps to add a new member to BoldNet: Navigate to the Maintenance menu and select "Web Membership". ...
SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Audit Trail
The Audit Trail keeps a detailed log of all data entry changes made in Manitou. A Supervisor can access and track user changes by accessing the Audit Trail form. Accessing Audit Trail Records on the Audit Trail Form Perform the following s...