Action Patterns and Enhanced Action Patterns


Manitou: Action Pattern Creation eLearning
Enhanced Action Patterns - IF and Select
The IF and SELECT Action Pattern Logic  commands in the Enhanced Action Patterns contain variables that if the value is true or false operators may be directed down specific paths. IF ELSE and END IF The IF logic items look at ONLY Tw...
Data Entry Enhanced Action Patterns - Low Battery with AC Trouble (Web Client)
Additional Notes: •    You will need to type this into your action patterns. •    Select and Case statements are found under Logic. •    Remember, when you open any IF statement you must always close it with an END IF. CLOG{0} = This month CLO...
Residential v. Commercial Enhanced Action Patterns
This article steps through how to create a Residential versus Commercial Enhanced Action Pattern within Manitou 2.x Web client. Important Information: Prior to Manitou 2.x Web client, Residential or Commercial Action Patterns were most often hand...
Post Processing Action Patterns
Manitou has the ability to send notifications after the completion of alarms, or in the absence of alarms. This is called Post Processing .  This article steps through how to add action patterns on the customer and dealer records to send these...
PROMPT Masks for Manitou 2.X Web Client Action Patterns
When using the Prompt Action Pattern features in Manitou 2.x Web client a mask is required for the prompt to format correctly. Prompts are designed to collect information at the time of the alarm. The prompt data will NOT automatically insert t...