The Audit Trail report returns the edits made to records within Manitou.
Report Parameters
- Event Date- Range of dates to look for the items.
- Review Date- When selected, the report looks for reviewed items within the range of dates to look for the items.
- User ID - Who, or whom made the changes to the entity records.
- Reviewer ID - Who, or whom reviewed the changes made.
- Contact Type - Allows the selection of the entity for inclusion in the report.
- Select the entity, or entity range, to include in the report.
The Audit Trail Options allows for the filtering of the report results by:
- Source - by Operator or by external means such as the VRT/MediaGateway or Web
- Change Type - by Adds, Updates, or Deletions
- Review Code - most items will be "Unreviewed". This filter allows the selection of Unreviewed, Approved, or Unapproved.
- Unreviewed - No supervisor reviewed the information in the Audit Trail in the Supervisor Workstation.
- Approved - The reviewed change flagged as Approved.
- Unapproved - The reviewed change flagged as "Unapproved". This does not roll back the change. Someone will have to manually return the former data.
- Categories - filters the report results based on the selected data to include.