Agency - What is an Agency in Manitou?

Agencies are any organization that has access to customer accounts within Manitou.  Examples of Agencies are:

  • Guarding - An agency that responds to a location, usually before dispatching an authority.
  • UL Runner - Often a part of the monitoring company or service provider that responds to a monitored location to secure and verify the 
  • Cleaner / Janitorial - A business that provides cleaning and janitorial services for a monitored location.  
  • Service Providers - Any other company or group providing services to monitored location(s).  This could be gardening, companies that provide support services such as Environmental, Electrical, Communications, Repair, and IT and Network providers.
  • Alternative Fire, Police, and Medical Authorities - These are often authorities that are contacted during specific periods of the day.  
  • Call Groups - Such as a group of people who are called for a school district, retail region, or the like.

These organizations or groups of people may be added to multiple accounts within the Contact List on the customer record.