For any guarding service, notification group, or other organization that needs to be applied to multiple customer records, they must be added to Manitou. The following steps detail how to create a new Agency.
- Click the Hamburger Icon (≡) then choose File, New, and Agency.
- Enter the Agency ID - Examples of Agency IDs would be a letter followed by a group of numbers such as G for Guarding, C for Cleaners, CL for Call List group, etc. An example of a Guarding agency ID might be, "G1928." Please note, the agency ID must not exceed 32 characters.
- Enter the Name of the Agency
- Select the Agency Type - You may add additional types to the list within the Supervisor Workstation's Subtypes.
- Ensure the Country, Language, and Time Zones are correct, then click Done.
The Agency loads to screen and displays the newly created agency.