SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - SubTypes

The Subtypes form allows a user to add new subcategories (called "Subtypes") to the hierarchically-superior Manitou categories. Currently, the user can add a Subtype to any of the following Manitou categories:

  • Action Patterns
  • Address Labels
  • Address Types
  • Agency Types
  • Attention Table Types (for e.g., Invoice, Mailing, Reporting, etc.)
  • Authority
  • Client Application Types
  • Customer Premises Types
  • Dealer Types
  • Keyholder Types
  • Name Suffixes
  • Person Titles
  • Report Types
  • Reverse Command Types
  • UL Grades
  • Workflow Component Categories
Adding a Subtype to Manitou

Perform the following steps to add a Subtype:

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu, click "Setup " then click "Subtypes".

Result: The "Subtypes" form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Click "Edit" then click "Add".

Result: The "Add Subtype" window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Select a category under which you want to add a new Subtype.
  2. Enter a description of your new Subtype into the "Description:" field and click "OK".

Result: Your new Subcategory displays in the list under the category you selected.

Restoring UL Defaults

UL is an abbreviation for Underwriter's Laboratories. The UL is a testing and certification body for alarm software development, as well as for Central Station alarm handling procedures. The UL has developed a list of categories and Subtypes that must be included in alarm software if the software is to be UL-certified. Manitou meets these basic UL standards but also allows users to add Subtypes in addition to the minimum requirements for UL certification. Thus, a user may, at some point, want to restore Manitou to only those Subtypes deemed necessary by the UL.

Perform the following steps to Restore UL Defaults:

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu, click "Setup " then click "Subtypes".

Result: The "Subtypes" form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Click "Edit".
  2. Click "Restore UL Defaults".

Result: The following window displays:

A screenshot of a computer errorDescription automatically generated

  1. If you are sure you want to remove all the Subtypes that have been created since Manitou was originally installed, click "Yes".

Note: As the Restore UL Defaults confirmation window states, if you are currently using non-UL Default Subtypes, you will have to reassign the functions to which the existing Subtypes are connected back to the UL Defaults.