SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Event Maps

The Event Maps function provides a full list of Event Codes for each external alarm and identifies the Manitou internal code. The signal is then translated before processing.

When signals are transmitted to Receivers, they exist in a standard intelligent or non-intelligent format and are translated within Manitou so that they may be handled by Manitou users.

The system interprets these signals by searching for mapping in the following hierarchical order:

  • Customer Programming Level (the most specific)
  • Transmitter Level
  • Dealer Level
  • Event Categories Level
  • Event Codes Level

Note: The Event Categories and Event Code levels of Event Mapping are the most general, and the system will only check them if no other mapping exists.

The default Event Maps are grouped based on common formats, such as SIA, RAD, or OZVISION. Depending on the drivers installed, other formats may be included in the initial system configuration. Users can add additional Event Maps to the system or modify the translation of existing Event Maps.

Adding a New Event Map

Periodically, Transmitter Protocols receive new updates, and it becomes necessary to add a new Event Map for such codes.

Perform the following steps to add a new Event Map:

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu, click Events, and then click "Event Maps".

Result: The Event Map form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Select the appropriate Protocol Format from the "Protocol Format:" dropdown menu.

Note: The default Event Maps are grouped based on common formats, such as SIA, RAD, or OZVISION.

  1. If the Event Map you are adding is for a specific Dealer, select the Dealer from the "Dealer:" dropdown menu.
  2. Click "Edit".

Result: A blank row is displayed at the end of the list.

  1. Enter a Message into the "Message" column.

Note: Your message can be up to ten characters in length. Do not include spaces before the Message text. Otherwise, the Signal Handler will not read the Event Map.

  1. Enter the Decode Qualifier into the appropriate column.

Note: Unless otherwise specified by Manitou support, enter "0" for the Decode Qualifier.

  1. Click in the right portion of the "Event Code" column.

Result: A dropdown menu icon displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Click the arrow and select the Event for which you are adding the Event Map.
  2. If you want, enter a description for your new Event Map in the "Description:" field.
  3. Confirm that your information is correct and click "Save".

Result: Your new Event Map is now displayed in the list. 

Event Map Filter Options

The Event Maps screen contains the following two filtering functions with which a user can filter the Event Maps list:

  • Protocol Format: Allows the user to filter the list by incoming Protocol Format. The items in this list are all Event Codes already in the Manitou system.
  • Dealer: Allows the user to filter the list by a specific Dealer.
Removing an Event Map
  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu, click Events, and then click "Event Maps".

Result: The Event Map form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. To access the Event Map you want to delete, select the desired Protocol Format from the dropdown menu, or filter the list by Dealer.
  2. Select the Event Map you want to remove from the Event Maps list.
  3. Click to the left of the Message column and highlight the Event Map you want to delete.
  4. Click "Delete" on your keyboard.

Result: The system removes the Event Map you selected from the list.

  1. Click "Save".