SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Event Codes

Event Codes are included with the signals Manitou receives from transmitters located at remote sites. After Manitou receives an Event Code, it uses Signal Processing Attributes to translate the signal information and gather information about the causal event.

Manitou allows users to modify its programmed pattern for dealing with the events and alarms connected to these codes.

Adding an Event Code

Perform the following steps to add an Event Code:

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu and click "Events" and then click "Event Codes".

Result: The "Event Codes" form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Note: All the Event Codes already defined in Manitou are displayed in the scroll-down menu on the left side of the form.  Because so many Event Codes are already defined in Manitou, you should confirm that the event for which you want to add a code does not already exist before you add a new one.

  1. Click "Edit" and then click "Add".

Result: The "Add Event Code" box displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A computer screen with a box and a box with a box and a box with a box with a box with a box with a box with a box with a box with a box with a boxDescription automatically generated

  1. Enter the name of your new Event Code into the "Event Code:" field.

Note: Event Codes must be two or three characters in length and must not duplicate existing codes.

  1. Enter a description of the specific event the Event Code represents in the "Description:" field and click "OK".

Result: The new Event Code displays in the list of those already defined in Manitou and displays on the form as the currently selected item.

  1. Select a category to assign to your new Event Code from the "Event Category:" dropdown menu.

Note: Event Categories are broad groups of Event Codes (for e.g., Fire or Burglary).

  1. Select a Redirect Code from the "Redirect Code:" dropdown menu.
  2. Select a Zone State Code from the "Zone State Code dropdown menu.
  3. Enter the priority level you want to assign to your new alarm in the "Priority:" field.

Note: Manitou rates alarm severity by assigning numbers 1 through 10 (with 1 being of highest priority, and 10 being the lowest).

  1. If you want to assign your new Event Code a Global Action Pattern, select one from the "Default Action Pattern:" dropdown menu.
  2. If your new "Event Code" is an alarm, select "Yes" in the "Alarm:" field.

Note: You can also indicate whether the alarm is Residential or Commercial.

  1. If you want, enter general instructions for your new Event Code into the "Generic Signal Instructions:" field.

Note: Any text entered into the "Generic Signal Instructions:" field automatically displays to users as part of the alarm handling action pattern.

  1. If you want, click the "..." button to the right of the "Signal Processing Attributes:" field.

Result: The "Signal Processing Attributes" window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

Note: Signal Processing Attributes are also known as Soft Commands.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Select all the Signal Processing Attributes that apply to your new Event Code and click "OK".

Note: Every attribute you choose to associate with your new Event Code helps Manitou better translate and understand the received signal.

  1. If you want, click the "..." button to the right of the "Customer Attributes:" field.

Result: The "Customer Attributes" window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Select all the Customer Attributes that apply to your new Event Code and click "OK".

Note: Customer Attributes denote certain customer characteristics. Mainly, they are used by management to classify events for report filtering.

  1. Select the number of seconds an alarm can age before it changes to Warning Level status.
  2. Select the number of seconds an alarm can age before it changes to a Danger Level status.
  3. Select the number of seconds an actioned alarm can age before it changes to Warning Level status.
  4. Select the number of seconds an actioned alarm can age before it changes to a Danger Level status.
  5. Confirm that your selections on the Event Codes form are correct, and then click "Save".
Removing an Event Code

Perform the following steps to remove an already-defined Event Code from Manitou:

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu and click "Events" and then "Event Codes".

Result: The "Event Codes" form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Note: All the Event Codes already defined in Manitou are displayed in the scroll-down menu on the left side of the form.

  1. Click "Edit".
  2. Select the Event Code you want to remove from the scroll-down menu and click "Remove".

Result: A window displays and asks you to confirm the removal as shown in the following screenshot:

A computer screen with a blue and white boxDescription automatically generated

  1. Click "Yes", and then click "Save".