SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Users

Accessing the User form allows an SWS user to add, edit, or delete users from the Manitou system. All Operators, Supervisors, System Administrators, and other staff who require access to Manitou must be individually added to the Manitou User form. The User form can also be used to restrict access to certain Manitou functions. User restrictions defined in the SWS apply to the SWS, OWS, and DWS.

Perform the following steps to access the User form:

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance screen and click "Users".

Result: The User form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A computer screen shot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Adding a New User

Perform the following steps to add a new user to Manitou:

Note: To add a new user, you must have Supervisor or Administrator access to the Manitou system.

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance screen and click "Users".

Result: The User form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A computer screen shot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Click "Edit" and then click "Add".

Result: The "Add User" window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A computer screen shot of a computer screenDescription automatically generated

  1. In the "ID:" field, enter a username.

Note: The username can be up to 12 characters in length. The username is the name the new user will enter when logging into Manitou.

  1. In the "Name:" field, enter the first and last name of the new user.

Note: The name can be up to 35 characters in length.

  1. Click "OK".

Result: The "Add User" window closes and the system returns the user to the "User" form.

  1. If you want, enter an email address or telephone number for the new user in the "Contact Point:" field.
  2. If you want, enter a telephone extension number into the "Extension:" field.
  3. Enter the user's password information into the "Password:" field.

Note: An SWS user's password can be up to 28 characters and can contain letters of either case, numbers, and special characters.

  1. Reenter the same password into the "Confirm Password:" field.

Note: The "Password:" and "Confirm Password:" fields must be identical at the time you save changes to the form, or an error message displays.

  1. If you want, select a password change interval from the corresponding dropdown menu.

Note: Selecting this option forces a user to select a new password at the interval you set.

  1. If you want, select the "Change at next logon:" checkbox.

Note: Selecting this option encourages password secrecy because it forces the user to quickly change the temporary password assigned by IT staff.

  1. If you want, select the "Locked Until" checkbox and select a date and time for the user's account to reopen.

Note: Selecting this option allows the person adding a newly hired user to block the new hire's Manitou access until his official start date.

  1. If the new user is associated with a Dealer, select the Dealer from the "Dealer" dropdown menu in the "Security Restrictions" portion of the form.

Result: The default user Security Restrictions for the Dealer prepopulate the "Access:" and "Alarm Handling:" fields.

Note: You can override these Dealer default settings by manually selecting another Access or Alarm Handling option.

  1. If the user is associated with a Branch, select the Branch from the "Branch" dropdown menu.

Result: The default user Security Restrictions for the Branch prepopulate the "Access:" and "Alarm Handling:" fields.

Note: You can override these Branch default settings by manually selecting another Access or Alarm Handling option.

  1. Enter an Access Level in the "Accounting Access:" field.

Note: The three options for this field are: "User Group's Access", "Own ID/Password", and "Not Allowed".

  1. Select a Priority Level for alarms your new user can handle.
  2. If you want your new user to have instant messaging capabilities, select the "Allow IM" checkbox.

Note: IM is an instant messenger service available to logged on users. Messages can be sent to individuals, groups, or all users currently logged in to the system. Additionally, messages can be set to display across the Status Bar Watchdog messages.

  1. Select a Locale for your new user from the "Locale:" dropdown menu.

Note: A Locale is a collection of parameters that affect how information is presented within a particular group of users. Generally, users from different Locales can be distinguished from each other on the basis of location and language. Locale settings can also determine things such as number formats, date and time formats, and calendar systems.

  1. Select a Country for your new user from the "Country:" menu.

Note: The Country designation can affect formats for addresses, telephone numbers, and calendar systems.