Training - Manitou Pre-Training Audit Sheet

Effective Immediately, Trainings will no longer be scheduled unless we receive assurance that some basic minimums have been checked.

This document may change from time to time, so it’s worth a revisit every so often.

  • All server/login information in Salesforce
    • Including URL of Manitou Web Client
    • Including URL of BoldNet (if necessary)
    • Including all SQL/Windows/Manitou logins
  • All systems patched to latest Manitou release
  • IF CLOUD, at least one workstation installed with Operator Workstation, Supervisor Workstation AND Local Utility Service.
  • Manitou Web Client installed on all web servers

The list shown below includes many items that may also be checked during an audit

  • Data on Data Drive (if applicable)
  • Memory Usage Set to 60% of system Memory
  • Max Text Replication Size set to Maximum
  • Database Manager Config file setup
  • Replication Running (if Applicable)
  • Manitou Licensed accurately
  • Workstations updated via Bold Distributer
  • MSM & Services running w/o errors
  • System Configuration Parameters set appropriately
  • Receivers created
  • Receivers connected and receiving signals
  • Login to SWS/OWS clients from Workstation machines
  • Login to Manitou Web  Client from Workstation machines
  • Alarm Handling operational
  • Modules (if any) Installed correctly
  • Modules (if any) tested successfully
  • Modules (if any) tested with customer