My Dashboard

Once you log on to Manitou 2.0, the My Dashboard is the first window to appear which provides a “snapshot” of important data and alarms. From this view you can use a standard dashboard or create one or more custom dashboards. The following options are available from the My Dashboard:

Home Desktop

In Data Entry mode, the options are:

  • My Dashboard – Returns you to the Home panel, Recent Customer card, and

Statistics from within the system.

  • Current – A list of recent accounts you’ve opened from which you can select.
  • Open – Account options for the currently selected account. Standard Dashboard

The Standard Dashboard provides the following information:

Recent Customers

This is a selectable list of the most recent Customer accounts you’ve viewed or worked on. If you select a Customer, you have access to Customer related Details, Contacts, Customer Activity Log, On Test information, and System information.

Recent Alarm Customers

This is a selectable list of the most recent Customer accounts that have been “in alarm.” If you select a Customer, you have access to Customer related Details, Contacts, Customer Activity Log, On Test information, and System information.

Customer Watch List

This is a selectable list of Customer accounts that are on a Watch List meant to be easily accessible for close monitoring of events. If you select a Customer, you have access to Customer related Details, Contacts, Customer Activity Log, On Test information, and System information.


You can view and select Customer Counts, Customer Status Summary, and Customer TX Summary information from where you can navigate through more detailed statistical information for a selected Customer.

  • Customer Counts – Lists the total number of Active, Inactive, Pending, and Deactivated Customers (includes a related pie chart).
  • Customer Status Summary – Lists the number of Customers in various conditions within alarm monitoring, maintenance, permits, and so on.
  • Customer TX Summary – Lists the number of transmitters in various conditions.

Note: You can filter the statistics by selecting All Customers, Customers with No Dealer, and Customers with No Branch from All Customers.