
The Statistics area of a Dealer account shows specific counts for Customers, Customer status, and Customer transmitter data. The time can be set to 24-, 48-, or 72-hour inquiries and sub- Dealer statistics can be included or removed from the compiled Statistics.

You can view and select Customer Counts, Customer Status Summary, and Customer TX Summary information from where you can navigate through more detailed statistical information for a selected Customer.

  • Customer Counts – Lists the total number of Active, Inactive, Pending, and Deactivated Customers (includes a related pie chart).
  • Customer Status Summary – Lists the number of Customers in various conditions within alarm monitoring, maintenance, permits, and so on.
  • Customer TX Summary – Lists the number of transmitters in various conditions.

Note: You can filter the statistics by selecting All Customers, Customers with No Dealer, and Customers with No Branch from All Customers.