Reverse Protocols & Reverse Commands

Reverse Protocols

Reverse Protocols allow Manitou to communicate back to a device. These protocols are specific to devices and manufacturer. 

Note: You set up Reverse Protocols within the Manitou Supervisor Workstation. See the facility supervisor for more information on Reverse Protocols.

 Reverse Commands

Reverse Commands are command strings you can use to send commands to devices. While you can create them, they are more commonly preloaded into the Manitou system. You can also specify when a Reverse Command should apply (for example, in all circumstances or only when an alarm arrives). Reverse Commands are typically defined at Monitoring Company level and then applied to a Customer. When you use a Reverse Command to send a command to a device, Manitou 2.0 receives a Reverse Command Response Code which indicates the status of the Reverse Command, for example, succeeded or failed.

Dealer Reverse Commands

You can use Reverse Commands for Dealers to send a command back to a panel to test to see if it is working properly.